

$50.00 every month

Sanctuary Anniversary: June 9th, 2015 (she is one of the reasons we created Island Haven)

Birthday: Vet records say April 7th, 2002

Likes: Dreamer, peppermints and lazy days

Dislikes: Wind, small barky dogs

Why she is with us: Mocha and her brother Rodeo came to the farm as yearlings and had been a herd with Della their entire lives. We had to save their farm and we created the sanctuary to provide them with a forever home.

More about Mocha: When she was younger, Mocha injured herself on a fence post and almost didn’t make it. Treatment required her to be kept separate from her herd while she healed and from then on she distrusted humans. We worked hard to gain her trust and now she is outgoing and confident and better at getting her hooves done than her brother.

Mocha is sponsored in part by Kasia Kines.

Mocha’s monthly care costs $300, she has five more sponsorship opportunities available.

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