We provide lifetime care for equines and farmed animals who, while still able to lead a quality life, are unable to find homes due to disabilities or chronic or age-related illnesses. Through compassion, training and outreach, we provide resources for our community to support these animals.
We currently have over 50 animals in retirement at Island Haven who come from a variety of backgrounds and situations.
Look for us at local events and contact us for private tours.
Placement Assistance
If you or someone you know needs to find a new home for a farm animal or equine, we can help.
Because they can't speak for themselves... We'll be out there raising awareness for animal rights and human responsibilities.
“every living being has a right to grow old in peace and happiness”
Julie Duke | Founder

Unlike other rural farming communities, San Juan County had never had an organization to provide care for unwanted farm animals and equines, yet, the need was there. Farms sold, people fell on hard times, they died, and what became of their animals who still had years left to live? They were put down, or passed around, received inconsistent care and were considered burdens. In 2015 Island Haven Animal Sanctuary was formed to fill that need.
Since then we have served our community by caring for or finding placement for over 150 farm animals and equines, over 30 of whom have a forever home at our sanctuary, where we are hosted by October Farm. During these years, we have created a family of likeminded volunteers who spend over 2000 hours annually, feeding and caring for these animals. There are days we have three generations out at the farm, mucking stalls, filling stock tanks and stuffing hay bags. Providing care for these deserving animals fosters compassion for all living beings, and tours for individuals and school groups further spread this message. Island Haven’s supporters have helped us grow from a grassroots effort to a bona fide, sustainable, nonprofit organization.